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Dixons Trinity Academy

Dixons Trinity Feature on BBC Radio Leeds

Posted 19th December 2024

Last week, Mr Lauder, Trust Assistant Principal, with expertise in civic responsibility,
and Kenya and Nishath in Year 10 featured on a BBC Radio Leeds segment where they discussed their participation in Born in Bradford's Age of Wonder study, and what they believe the benefits to be. 

Age of Wonder is a research programme run by Born in Bradford, looking at the health and wellbeing of teenagers in the city. Academies across our trust participate, supporting our students to be involved in the research. 

This yields an incredibly rich dataset for us to understand the lives of young people today, and better support them. It also gives our students a sense they are participating in something larger than themselves, as well as insight into the research process.

Well done to the students involved; they represented Dixons Trinity extremely well!