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Year 7 intake in September 2025
The national offer date for Year 7 school places is Monday 3 March 2025. Parents who completed the local authorities Common Application / Preference Form (CAF / CPF) will be advised by the local authorities of the school allocated to their child on this date.
For Dixons Trinity, there were 1227 preferences on the CAF / CPF for the 134 places available. The breakdown of places by oversubscription criteria is as follows:
Oversubscription criteria | |
Children with an EHCP | 4 |
Looked-after & former looked-after children | 0 |
Children with exceptional medical or social need (applications agreed) | 0 |
Children of staff (up to 3) | 1 |
Siblings of students in years 7 to 10 at the Academy | 52 |
Students at Dixons Music Primary | 23 |
Distance (the furthest distance admitted was 0.604 miles) | 54 |
Twins of children admitted under the above categories | 0 |
134 |
*Figures amended 04/03/25 to reflect EHCP naming for a child who attends Dixons Music Primary
There were 971 preferences remaining on the waiting list after the last place allocated.
Regrettably, because of the high number of applications it has not been possible to offer every child, who wants one, a place. We automatically keep every child's name on the waiting list until the end of December 2025, but you should also return the local authority’s Year 7 Waiting List Form to inform them if you want your child to stay on the waiting list for this academy or any other school. A copy of the form is available from the Downloads section below.
If you have not yet completed a local authority Common Application Form (CAF) you should complete the Late Year 7 Application Form available in the Downloads section below.
If you completed a CAF but did not make 5 preferences, then you can complete the Year 7 Additional Preference form, and add additional schools up to a total of 5. A copy of the form is available in the Downloads section below.
If you have any specific questions about the waiting list or admissions process, please contact us via:
e-mail: admissions@dixonsta.com
telephone: 01274 089780 – option 7
Lines are open between 8.30am and 10.30am and from 2.30pm until 4.30pm. If you are calling outside of these times or our lines are busy, please leave a voicemail and we will return your call.
In-year admissions (Years 7 to 11)
The funding agreement for the Academy dictates how many students it will be funded for in total. The Academy plans its operations such as staffing, timetabling, and provision of resources based on the funding received; this equates to the following provision:
- There are 134 places in each of years 7 to 11
If a child is refused a place, this is because admission of another child would prejudice the provision of efficient education or the efficient use of resources.
Where vacancies occur, places are not offered based on the length of time children have been on the list but are filled in coordination with the local authorities and in line with the oversubscription criteria. It is, therefore, possible that a child may be added to the list who qualifies more highly within the criteria than children already on the list because each time a child is added, the list will be ranked again in line with the published oversubscription criteria. Looked-after children, previously looked-after children, and those allocated a place at the Academy in accordance with a Fair Access Protocol take precedence over those on a waiting list.
Applications should be made on Bradford local authority’s ‘In Year Common Application Form’ (ICAF) which is available from the website. Once completed, the form needs to be returned directly to the local authority. On receipt of an ICAF the local authority will send a copy of this to the Academy, and then respond to advise if a place is available or not.
Should you have any questions about the admissions process, please e-mail: admissions@dixonsta.com or telephone 01274 089780 – option 7.